Tuesday, November 13, 2007

NCSC hosts the “Apples to Apples” Sunday Night Showdown

Nov. 18th--the Apples to Apples Challenge, sponsored by NCSC.
Students faced off in a battle of wits in the hit game: “Apples to Apples”. As part of this apple social, NCSC served up hot apple cider, sliced apples and caramel dip, and Laurie Svatek’s famous apple bread.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Newman Catholic Student Community

CCM works alongside the Newman Catholic Student Commnunity: a group for students, led by students.The purpose of the NCSC at UWGB is to guide and support students in living out their faith. The Newman Catholic Student Community vows to strengthen the faith of participants by providing opportunities for service, prayer, and leadership.

"Finding Faith"--CCM Band

"Finding Faith" is the CCM band. We play every Sunday night for Mass. We're made up of a choir, piano, acoustic guitar and bass, drums, flute, and clarinet. We do a mix of contemporary Christian songs and traditional church hymns.

Fr. Tom Long--Chaplain

Fr. Tom is the Catholic Chaplain to UWGB. He is at the EC on Sunday nights from 5:30-10 p.m. Father Tom offers the Sacrament of Reconciliation at 6:30 and Mass at 7. Besides Sundays, Fr. Tom is also on campus some weekdays. Because of his schedule, this day varies, but check out our bulletin to find out when to meet with him. He's always happy to set up a time.

When he is not at the EC, Fr. Tom is the Vocation Director for the Diocese of Green Bay. He travels around the diocese speaking about our call from God for a happy vocation to the married life, the single life, the religious life, or the ordained life. In a particular way, he works with men considering a life of diocesan priesthood. Fr. Tom lives at the Xavier House in DePere.

Email Fr. Tom at tlong@gbdioc.org

Kurt Krauss--CCM Outreach Coordinator

Kurt is the Outreach Coordinator. Sunday nights, he sets up the auditorium for Mass, and works some office hours Tues-Thurs. The 2008-09 year will be his 2nd year at UWGB. He spent this summer as a staff member for Catholic Youth Expeditions. In the spring of 2008, he worked as a stand-in for the Johnny Depp movie shoot in Oshkosh. While not acting as a celebrity, Kurt can be found wandering around campus much of the time. Kurt is a transfer student from UW-Manitowoc, majoring in Communications.

Originally from Door County, Kurt especially digs summertime: beaches, swimming, jetskiing, and fishing. He enjoys acting, both stage and film, and also does a fair amount of writing as well.
Email Kurt at kraukj25@uwgb.edu

Nick Vogel--"Finding Faith" Coordinator

Nick is the 3rd year Director of "Finding Faith", our Catholic Campus Ministry band. Besides directing the band, you can see him rocking out on his electric acoustic guitar every Sunday night. Nick was a student at UWGB, a 2004 graduate, and majored in business. He was very involved with CCM then, and now he's back for more.

Recently, Nick began serving as Youth Minister at Holy Family Parish in Brillion. Prior to that, Nick was employed with the Investment and Trusts Dept. at Baylake Bank. Nick also builds his own custom guitars. He recently finished his 2nd handmade guitar soon. Nick loves country music, spending time at the beach and camping. He's an avid biker, snowboarder, and does some snowmobiling on the side.

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


"This is our way of serving those who serve us." -Ashley Fehrenbach

Students from UWGB got together Sunday night to write and send 75 Christmas cards to the men and women serving overseas in the armed forces, in an effort to make their holiday season a little more brighter. To help personalize the cards, some brought pictures of themselves to send along as well. The Newman Catholic Student Community teamed up to put this plan into action. The cards will then be sent out to soldiers serving in Operations "Enduring Freedom" and "Iraqi Freedom".

Tuesday, October 30, 2007


"All Christians aspire to become saints, that is, persons in heaven (officially canonized or not), who lived lives of great charity and heroic virtues".
Nov. 1st, at the All Saints Day Mass in the EC auditorium, students got together to celebrate the lives of the saints, and remember those special saints who were a part of their lives. Each person also lit a candle in memory of loved ones who've gone ahead.

Patron saints are chosen as special protectors or guardians over areas of life. These areas can include occupations, illnesses, churches, countries, causes -- anything that is important to us. Angels can also be named as patron saints. A patron saint can help us when we follow the example of that saint's life and when we ask for that saint's intercessory prayers to God.

Thursday, September 20, 2007


We kicked off the 2007-2008 school year with over 80 students in attendance for Mass on the Grass. We gave away the CCM tees, featuring our new logo, and lit candles at dusk. Following Mass, in CCM fashion, the night was illuminated with the campfires and blazing s'mores.

Monday, August 13, 2007


Chambers Island, WI

Sept. 21st-23rd--Student Workers Retreat

Students from UWGB as well as Silver Lake College and UW-Oshkosh volunteered their services to winterize Chambers Island's Retreat House. Scenic and serene, this mystical island offers a world of reflection, relaxation, and natural beauty.

S'mores and More


JANUARY 6TH-15TH, 2008
CCM's Alternative Winter Break Destination--Cuernavaca, Mexico!!!

To help with travel costs, UWGB students are teaming up with the Green Bay Packers, fundraising at all home games.



Welcome to the blog of Catholic Campus Ministry (CCM) on the campus of UW-Green Bay. Our office is located at the Ecumenical Center, but you can also find us out and about on campus much of the week as well.

The goal of CCM is to continue the mission of Jesus, both now and for the future, by building a Catholic student community of prayer and service to others.

Confessions available @ 6:30 p.m. Mass @ 7:00 p.m.
Entertainment to follow at the Fireside Lounge.